Recorded lectures

Invited webinar hosted at the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society, describing the process of developing eteplirsen for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Nov 2022).

Participation in Naukas Bilbao 2022, a large science communication event, explaining in under 10 minutes scientific concept. Here, Dr Arechavala-Gomeza explains the basics of nucleicacid therapeutics with the aid of “The Matrix” and some cooking recipes (In Spanish):

Participation in NaukasPRO Bilbao 2019, a large science communication event, to tell the public about our research work to find new therapies for neuromuscular disorders (In Spanish):mm

Lecture on “genetic therapies” for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (in Spanish), given at the  XXXII National Congress of the Spanish association of neuromuscular disorders (ASEM):

Lecture on academic scientific career as part of the ERA Career day Science Plus 2017 (In Spanish)

Seminar (in Spanish) on the development of orphan drugs for rare diseases (as part of a University of the Basque Country Summer Course on rare diseases June 2016.

Nov 2012 International Symposium Ramon Areces Foundation, Madrid, Spain “Dystrophinopathies. Current concepts over antisense therapeutic strategies. Clinical Trials Video may be accessed here (in Spanish).

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